Dr.Bronner’s began in 1948 when master soapmaker Emmanuel Bronner, who descending from generations of soapmakers before him, combined soapmaking with a message; “We are All-One or None!”. Bronner’s Pure Castille Soap is a superb ecological and biodegradable soap who’s vision of social and environmental responsibility can be read all over the label. I choose Bronner’s because it is
- Biodegradable
- Certified cruelty-free
- Feels and smells great
- Economical
- Certified Fair Trade
- Certified Organic
- Commitment to Zero Waste
- One Bottle – Many Purposes!
Their line of soaps include, pure-castille liquid soap which can be used for face, body, hair, food, dishes, mopping, pets & more, which comes in several scents (I like Tea Tree for that extra clean feeling). More soaps in their line include pure-castille bar soap & organic sugar soap which promise to be nourishing, no dryness! They also have organic lotions, toothpaste, shaving soaps, hair care products, balms, lip balms, hand sanitizer and more.