Well if you’re not already on board with The Co-Star astrology app we highly recommend checking it out. Co-Star delivers a hyper-personalized AI-generated horoscope based on your natal chart created from your birth time and place. Co-Star is also tracked by NASA as the planets move for an eerily accurate daily horoscope.
The nice thing about Co-star it that it has found a balance between fun and quirky, reassurance and motivation. Shedding light on areas such as Routine, Spirituality, Social life, thinking & creativity, self, and the always intriguing sex & love. Prompting questions that promote looking deeper than the surface value of any given situation you may be in, leaving you with food for thought. To top it all off, you can add and engage with your friends!

Once you’ve given it a try you may find yourself looking them up on Instagram, @costarastrology, for light-hearted astrology laughs, that may hold a sliver of truth 😉 We are the masters of our destiny, but hey, inward reflection, looking a little deeper and some lighthearted laughs can only help us grow. Visit https://www.costarastrology.com/ to learn more.